

Happy hormones

I'm trying to channel that time of the month to something positive and happy. So to take my mind off this nagging pain, I decided to list down my happy thoughts recently.

1) I couldn't stress enough how much my Nokia E63 means to me - it's the phone that stayed with me the longest (the previous ones were passed on to my parents or to other people) and it's the first phone I bought with my own money. Well, sort of. My 'rents paid half of it but you get my drift. 

I named it Pop (because...) and he's two-years-five-months and counting. When most of my friends started getting Blackberrys and iPhones, I stuck it out with Pop. Its flashlight was a great help during Ondoy (2009) and Pedring and Quiel (2011). And I probably abused it with way too much Twitter. The scroll button has 'battle marks' to prove how long it's been around.

But I couldn't deny I wanted a Blackberry. 

So let me introduce you to Alexander:

Delivered right at my doorstep yesterday! Yay for Globe for FINALLY approving my line application after two tries! (It's a very long story!)

Went to Shopwise yesterday to do some grocery and I couldn't resist buying something for him!

Do you name your gadgets too? I do! My laptop's name is Bibi; the netbook is Lili; my iTouch's name is Chloe and this right here is Alexander!
It was a toss-up between Eiffel or Alexander. I wanted to name my next gadget Eiffel because of my fascination over Paris, the French language, and the Eiffel Tower. But at the last minute I went with Alexander for the mere fact that it's Aly Borromeo's real name (it's actually Alexander Charles).

2) If there's anything that can instantly - and I mean INSTANTLY - make me happy it has to be food, especially if I get to eat what I'm craving for at the moment. Two weeks ago I got to finally sample Papa John's Pizza and IT'S HEAVEN <3

I couldn't get my mind and tastebuds off the cheese sticks -  I just knew I had to have some delivered!

Had some Garden Special Pizza too

GLORIOUS. Everything is pizza and nothing hurts. /Tumblr language!

Just now I had the best street food ever invented: kwek-kwek!!! And there's a tub of ice cream waiting for me in the freezer. OH YES.

3) If you want to drag my ass over to Greenhills on days that I DON'T want to, say the magic words: HAPPY LEMON.

The Cocoa with Rock Salt and Cheese is an out-of-this-world experience that is BEYOND WORDS. 

If not for one of my friends, Dane, and Our Awesome Planet's Anton Diaz, I wouldn't have checked Happy Lemon out. See, I'm not a fan of tea-based drinks and tea in general but this mix is just BLISS. It's also available in Coffee, but it's a bit too strong for me. Cocoa is the way to go.

Gian does this crazy face everytime the flavors hit his taste buds. HAHA! If you still haven't tried it (because you're too much of a lazy-ass to go to Greenhills) they have branches in Eastwood, Rockwell and TriNoma. So go aheeaaaaadd and let Happy Lemon cheer you up :)

In not-so-food-related news, the past few weeks have been really kind to me. I guess it's true that when one thing ends, better ones come along. It may not be what you want at the moment, but something you need to help you become what you want to be. You need to rid your life of what's holding you back from doing what you love. You CAN do things - don't let what other people say define you and bring you down. And remember to always come out TOUGHER from whatever adversity you face. 

...And with that, I'm off to the fridge for that ice cream! #gobble #gobble


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