
Where I Draw the Line

For ramblings too short for a blog post and too long for Twitter.

March 28. 2012

Go or no go

If something's too good to be true, it probably is.

I never imagined in the last four years that I'd find myself working in this industry. To be honest, it was my last resort after things went awry with my last job. It was a risk I'm glad I took. I was human again after spending two agonizing months in a four-cornered cubicle. 

I met, learned and became friends with great (understatement) people. In the world where I used to belong, it was all glamour, knowing who's who and what's what. It wasn't the most comfortable world to move in but I enjoyed it nonetheless. I'm also not going to deny I miss that part of my life, but things now are far simpler and I really feel I got myself back.

It's only been four months and here comes another curve ball. 

I told you I've done enough walking away in my life. I haven't arrived at a decision yet whether to accept what will happen - go or no go - because it stings to think of leaving behind this crazy beautiful bunch of people I spend 40 hours every week with (sometimes more than). 

It's back to the drawing board again. There's less than a week to think things through - go back to where I came from or stick it out and see if I can actually go through this. I'm not really a quitter but I'm not the strongest person you'll know, either. 

I feel like a Panem citizen whose name is on the verge of being called at The Reaping. 

I'm panicking.

March 24. 2012

Look who's blogging

During the recent menu launch of C2 Greenhills, the invited Facebook fans and bloggers touched on the topic of how blogging has evolved from being just an online diary to being a powerful marketing tool. 

'Blogger' is such a lose term - anyone who has Internet connection and savvy enough to navigate through the different blogging platforms can be a self-declared blogger. Is it true then, that 'a blog without its readers is not a blog?' 

Getting product sponsorships does not define you as a blogger. Being featured in mainstream media does not automatically make you a 'certified blogger'. The reason I love the blogs I try to  religiously read everyday is the sense of honesty in their posts. To me, that's the first thing readers should get from a blogger. 

I know friends who are reluctant to start a blog because they think they can't reach the status of celebrated bloggers. The trick is, write about what you love. Whether that's food, fashion, travel, just go. Write. Don't pressure yourself into getting to a certain 'level' because really, those are non-existent. We all should start with something small, then just keep on keeping on to someday turn it to something big.

So go start that blog now <3


As seen on a friend's Facebook timeline: 'It's better to cross the line and suffer the consequences, than to do nothing and stare at that line forever.'

Easier said than done. One way or another, something's always holding me back. It's the thought of losing someone because what I want to say just doesn't sound right, or the situation does not call for it. It's frustrating to know how easy it is to say that one thing I want to say the most, but the repercussions scare the hell out of me.

Does love complicate friendship? Or is it the other way around? Will I let the serious consequences stop me from doing one stupid thing? Argh I hate these questions. Of course your friends will always support you, but every time they throw me the 'Are you ready for what's going to happen?' card, I chicken out. I know I can't handle it. And when I can't the next most logical thing for me to do is walk away. Literally, leave. I've done enough walking away and I know for sure this time that's going to be one tough decision to make.

I know it's not really a correct resolution, but I guess the least I can do is stay away. Neutralize the feelings, control them, until everything feels 'normal' when I'm around that person. Maybe if I tell myself everyday that we're not bound to happen, all this will just go away. Yeah ... eventually.