

Merci, au revoir

This year is best described as a blessing in disguise for me.

I thought I wouldn't make it for the first six months but hey, I lasted for a year! And it would not have been possible without the people I worked with, who eventually became really close friends. 

I spent the entire year [literally, day in and day out] with these guys - drinking, eating [a lot!], laughing, crying, and simply being crazy. I don't know how my year would have turned out if I did not take that risk in December 2011.

Though there were a few twists and bumps, I'm glad we're all still friends despite different LOBs, shift and rest days conflicts. 

Thank you 2012 for the good, the lovely, and the bad. There a few I wish I didn't say or do, but I'm thankful for everything and everyone that came my way this year. 

If this year's lessons were to be summed up in one line, it would be: one day at a time.

I learned this the really hard way, and along the way I found out it not only applies to the situation I was in at that moment, but in life in general. 

It looks like a promising 2013 for me, and though I also know that striking a balance in all aspects of your life is next to impossible, you can find ways to make things work. 

THANK YOU for another year.
THANK YOU for and to the people who came into my life this year. 
THANK YOU for a job to close the year, and for a new one to usher in the next. 

2012 was definitely a year worth looking back on. No regrets, just love.

Whatever side of the planet you're on, I hope you are welcoming the new year in the most festive way. 


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