

Decem-blur, etc.

I know, I know. The Irresponsible Blogger of the Year should be given to me. I'm sorry! Work caught up with me! Not that I'm losing sleep over it but when I get home all I really want to do is hit the sack.

I guess it's obvious I'm cramming this obligatory year-end post! [EDIT: We're into the second week of the year already! Laziest blogger ever talaga!]

In just a few hours 2011 is coming to a close. One of the best things that happened to me in 2011 was being blessed with good friends that tagged me along their trip to Boracay prize. It was my first (hopefully not the last) time in the island and to say that I enjoyed the trip is an understatement.

I also got to work with who I'd like to call my 'Dream Team' - people I'd pick if given the chance to choose who I want to work with. 

The food trips I miss the most! From McDonald's to Aysee's, Sambokojin and of course, Happy Lemon! 

My 25th birthday was a total blur but I got to share the stage with Daniel Matsunaga when I impromptu-hosted an event in September.

Towards the end of the year the fangirl and blogger in me resurfaced because of the Azkals and events I went to. I have yet to watch a live Azkals game [gotta make this happen this year!] with Maine and Ishi!

Meeting Laureen Uy was also officially crossed off my bucket list! 

Christmas wouldn't be the same if I didn't [legally] gatecrash BusinessWorld's Editorial party! I won an iPod Touch in the raffle two years ago, and this year they gave away an iPhone 4S!!! Bongga lang! Sad I had to leave even before the party started, but I was making chika with Bernie, one of my closest friends from there and Jeff, one of the editors and we all agreed that Editorial gives the best party ever. I mean, there are roughly 40 people included in the raffle and EACH NAME gets called out to win something - CDs, bags, planners - the raffle actually lasts for six rounds! 

Ernie was also here for the holidays! Catching up with everyone felt so good considering I had to prepare for a nerve-wracking day the next day! 

The biggest surprise though was the end of 2011. I never thought I'd enjoy this place as much as I do. Cheers to new friends, getting drunk every other Friday, and stressing out to meet 2 CPH [for now]!

There came a point in my life that I dreaded waking up in the morning for the simple fact that I had to work. I was not used to not looking forward to mornings. My self-esteem was at an all-time low and there was not a single saving grace to make it all worth it.  

But now I'm back. I don't hate the weekend for being so short anymore. It feels good to talk to ACTUAL people [I'm inclined to think I dealt with robots before] who get what I'm saying [jokes, bekinese, etc.] and vice versa. 

To sum up 2011:

"Some of the ugliest endings have sparked beautiful beginnings. Never be afraid to keep moving forward."

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