

Must-haves (aka the post where I justify my online shopping)

Can there be anything more convenient than online shopping? 

I can sometimes be such a finicky shopper especially if I want to get everything within my sight/reach. A guilty pleasure is accessories! 

First off, hello Quintessential Shop Manila!

Feather earring at P150/piece

Eyeing this one-piece feather earring. I love the silhouette dangling/chandelier earrings make as it runs down the side of your face. I'm *desperately* trying to grow my hair longer just for these babies, actually. (I'm giving up on curling my hair - but that's another entry). 

Also these plume earrings, which Maine told me she will have the length customized. /happy!

Connector ring at P150/piece

I'm not a ring person, mainly because I can't find rings that fit my middle fingers! I need the ones that are adjustable, like this connector ring also from Quintessential Manila. I seriously need to learn how to jazz up my fingers! 

Quintessential Shop Manila is owned by one of my partners-in-fangirling Maine Aquino *cough* customized plumes *cough* and her best friend Elaine Verri. 

Moving on to Extreme Finds' Friendship Links Bracelet

Friendship Link Bracelet at P350 (customizable)

Don't you just find the colors ... yummy?!

Extreme Finds has made quite a lot of appearances in fashion blogs. They're also one of the most-trusted online sellers in Multiply.

Sellers who make their own accessories can customize your order for you, which is why they are my go-to sites when I want an accessory to come in my favorite color or just the right length and size (in cases of earrings and bracelets). 

But most of the time I'm happy with what I find in SM Dept. Stores, especially now that they're carrying edgier accessories. (Not the latest collection but I have a huge model crush on Jasmine Maierhofer, SO.)

My wallet will kill me if I buy everything in one go, but for sure these babies (Jasmine excluded LOL) will end up in my room really soon.

On to more (online) window shopping! 

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